Tuesday, March 18, 2008

You missed the point . . . I'm super sereal!

Do all of the people who don't believe global warming is happening think that reducing pollution is a bad idea? I think Al Gore is crazy too, but that doesn't mean it's OK to go all Looten Plunder and start rupturing oil tankers and clubbing baby seals.

The whole global warming thing is turning into a 21st century pseudo science-religion. The people who say it exists are so busy cramming it down our throats that nobody is presenting reasonable ways to reduce pollution and decrease the negative effects of human expansion. Meanwhile, the people who don't believe it exists are completely looking past the possible benefits of having people believe that it does. It's like this religion was created and the beneficial stage was completely skipped. We bypassed thou-shalt-not-eat-pork (because you'll get tapeworms or a flesh eating virus or some shit you can't pronounce) and went straight to the stage where everybody is strangling each other. This is admittedly more fun for someone watching (like me) but in practice it's pretty fucking retarded.


BlackRaspberry said...

dead @ Looten Plunder. i hope i'm not the only one lame enough to get that reference.

Unknown said...

word verification sucks. hpafdhqn is distinctly not a word.

i had an insightful comment, but it's long gone.

i just wanted to profess my love for you so i can be like one of those chicks who bags the rich, powerful guy before he gets all rich and powerful and then he stays with her out of guilt and obligation because she was with him from the beginning and all that jazz.

end scene.

Texascom said...
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Texascom said...

sereal? what the hell does that mean?